The SUperBowl LV is HERE. LV = 55th. The 55th Edition of the Super Bowl, the big fight that's bigger than a RaFa - Federer matchup, or (maybe) a Barca - ManU game (definitely in one part of the world) or a Red and Blue war. Its the match up that will resolve almost all differences (now why doesn't America have Super Bowl every quarter- don't you think it will solve many issues?). For the Super Bowl, color doesn't matter, its an all out territorial war!
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers will face the Kansas City Chiefs in this edition, the LV, Super Bowl. The wild card Buccaneers, the wildest and eeriest team, will actually be playing at home at the Ray Jay, and that's never happened before, an actual home team in the Super Bowl! How do they feel? They got a wild card into the Championship and have so far won 14 out of their 19 games. Only 6 wild card teams have won so far, but I guess playing at home nullifies many other statistics. Will they be making their 20th game an unprecedented championship victory? We know who the (limited) crowd of 25000 will be rooting for anyways! They even beat the HIGHLY rated Packers with their terrific offense, in their Conference Final. As good as it gets - right?
But we can't forget their Superstar QB Tom Brady. 10th Super Bowl! First for the Bucs. Great greater greatest - how do you define this achievement? To make the NFL is the hallmark of a great player in the intensely competitive American Football scene. Then to win a Conference is something to be proud of. And if you actually win a Super Bowl and you are star quarterback - well you are assured greatness. But to make it for 10 seasons!!!! 10 Super Bowls. The Bucs cannot help but be where they are, and playing at home. They have Thomas Brady in their midst after all. This 43 year old will be looking at adding a fifth MVP to his Super Bowl Cap. He is already the oldest MVP in Super Bowl.
The Chiefs are slightly ahead as favorites and defending Champions. And they have the reigning MVP in Mahomes.
Only 25000 fans will be allowed to attend the Super Bowl Live in the stadium. Wont those 25000 people have some fireside story for their grand kids??!!!
So what will you watch the Super Bowl for (is that even a question?)
Date and Time for Super Bowl 2021 Kickoff- 7th February 2021, 6.40 pm EST
1. Tom Brady
2. Tom Brady
3. Tampa Bay playing at home
4. Patrick Mahomes
5. The Half time show by Weeknd (8 pm EST)
6. You are from Kansas
7. The Advertisements - each spot costs $5.5mn apparently!
8. You always watch
9. Wild Horses won't drag you away.
10 . You actually get to watch Super Bowl LV in the stadium!!!
Where can you watch Super Bowl live online streaming, maybe FREE
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